You can see from my previous blog post about ComedyCoup how I would be
very hesitant to choose my very favourite from amongst all these great
shows. It'd be kind of like asking me to choose my favourite
(non-existent) child. I'd have to think for a little while, but there
would be a very clear winner and a whole lot of losers. In the end, I am
going to have to say that my very favourite project featured on
ComedyCoup, the project that I think should win the grand prize and get
to film a real life TV show pilot is.... (drumroll)...
No wait, I'm not at all ready to reveal that information. I will reveal it on, or possibly before, Sunday, but for now I'd like to throw out a few mentions for a few great projects and recap the projects I like. Almost all of the Top 15 projects deserve to be accelerated, so I've taken out my garden shears of criticism and hacked away until I developed a definitive list. The projects I mention are all great and I would be glad if any one of them won the big prize for ComedyCoup.
But first, a few honourable mentions: I would be remiss if I didn't begin with Geoff and the Ninja. This is a show about a guy down on his luck who is forced to get a ninja as a roommate. This project was made by a few guys from my hometown, which is pretty darn cool. Finally, Buddy Guys is very much worth a a look. This project makes me laugh out loud, and I love how they flipped the majority group/minority group expectations in their last video.
To recap, here are my favourite ComedyCoup projects from the Top 15. Each and every one of these projects deserves a look:
Hurray!!! Thanks Wendel! PG represent ;)